Samford University’s Division of Marketing and Communication team received a record number of awards and accolades during 2019-20.
The Cumberland School of Law viewbook won a silver award for recruitment publication from the regional Council for Advancement and Support of Education District III Awards Program.
At the national Educational Advertising Awards, the 2018 Annual Report won a Merit Award. The Cumberland School of Law Viewbook and School of the Arts Annual Report both won Merit Awards in their respective categories at the same competition.
The Education Digital Marketing Awards recognized the Samford.edu redesign and interactive wayfinding map both earned gold awards. The experience microsite and personalized admission microsite earned silver awards.
The division won awards in the annual DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Awards sponsored by the Religion Communicators Council, a national interfaith communications professional organization. The 2018 Annual Report received the Award of Excellence in its category. In the graphic design categories, the School of the Arts Annual Report won an Award of Excellence in overall publication design, the School of the Arts calendar won an Award of Excellence of special print material, Beeson Divinity School’s Andrews Gerow Hodges Chapel brochure won an Award of Excellence for publication relations materials and Beeson magazine won an Award of Excellence for publication relations materials- special issues publication. Beeson Divinity School won Best in Class and Award of Excellence for Audio and Video: Non-Broadcast and Cable for its promotional video, “It’s More than What You Earn. It’s Who You Become.”
At the Collegiate Advertising Awards Beeson Divinity School’s Andrews Gerow Hodges Chapel brochure and the School of the Arts calendar both earned gold awards in their respective categories. Cumberland School of Law Viewbook earned a silver award for recruitment.
Samford also won seven awards in the annual Wilmer C. Fields Awards presented by the Baptist Communicators Association, a national professional organization. Two videos earned first place awards including an April Fool’s video featuring University President Andrew Westmoreland, title “WestmoreLAWN,” and a video highlighting parent programs featuring student Chelsea Baker. The 2019 May commencement video earned third place for video editorial feature: 2-5 minutes. Beeson magazine earned second place for design - publication: magazine cover. Beeson Divinity’s fall Chapel Devotional Guide won third place in print collateral. A feature titled, “Timothy George: A Tribute to Beeson Divinity School’s Founding Dean” in the 2019 Beeson magazine won third place for feature writing.
This is the 17th consecutive year the division has been recognized nationally for its work.