A Glimpse at Faculty Activities - Fall 2021
Here is just a glimpse of some of the incredible work our Cumberland School of Law faculty have recently completed.

Smolin Work and Expertise Highlighted In International Forums and Media
David M. Smolin, the Harwell G. Davis Professor of Constitutional Law and director of Cumberland School of Law's Center for Children, Law and Ethics, is a sought-after expert on international children's issues. Smolin's work and expertise has been the topic of numerous international presentations and publications in recent months.

Cumberland School of Law Expands Advocacy Program with Addition of New Faculty Member
Cumberland School of Law’s nationally recognized advocacy program is expanding its footprint with the addition of a new faculty member. In August 2021, Matt Woodham will assume the role of assistant professor of law and assistant director of trial advocacy.

McFarlin Selected for National Committee to Shape the Future of the Bar Exam
Cumberland School of Law associate professor Tim McFarlin has been selected to serve on the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) Content Scope Committee. The NCBE invited applications from legal educators and practicing lawyers from across the country to join this committee aimed at shaping the future of the bar exam. Cumberland is one of only 15 law schools to have an educator on the committee, and the only one in Alabama.

Cumberland School of Law Announces Faculty Award Recipients for 2020-2021 Academic Year
Each year, Cumberland School of Law announces faculty recipients of two prestigious awards. Read more about this year's award recipients here.

Cumberland School of Law Welcomes Emily Bonds Davey to Faculty
Emily Bonds Davey has joined the Cumberland School of Law faculty as a visiting assistant professor and director of the externship program.
Published two times a year, Cumberland Lawyer is Cumberland School of Law's official magazine produced in collaboration with Samford University's Division of Marketing and Communication.