Student Service Opportunities

International Ambassadors
International Ambassadors represent the SamfordGlobal Office at Samford University by serving as advocates for cross-cultural exchange, promoting international education, and developing intercultural programming. These student leaders will help the SamfordGlobal Office promote and recruit for events and programs, provide peer advising to both domestic and international students, and serve as role models for Global Engagement on campus.
Our Team

Jo Burkhart
Associate Director of UK Programmes and Operations
Daniel House, London

Tom Crosby
Director of UK Programmes and Operations
Daniel House, London

Jordan Cummings
Assistant Director of Global Engagement, DSO ARO
SamfordGlobal Office
Brooks Hall

Lauren Doss
Executive Director of GlobalEngagement
SamfordGlobal Office
221 Brooks Hall

Jill Fisse
Logistics Coordinator (Part Time)
SamfordGlobal Office
Brooks Hall

Jennifer Lackey
Director of Samford Abroad and International Travel
SamfordGlobal Office
221 Brooks Hall

Lauren Molander
Samford Abroad Advisor
SamfordGlobal Office
221 Brooks Hall

Eri Taguchi
Japan Outreach Initiative Coordinator
SamfordGlobal Office
221 Brooks Hall