Frequently Asked Questions

What was the purpose of the salary study?

The purpose of the salary study was to gather and analyze data on the salaries and compensation packages of employees at Samford University. This information is used to ensure that employees are fairly compensated for their work and that the institution is positioned to attract and retain top talent.

Who was included in the salary study?

All full-time employees at Samford were included in the salary study.

Has Willis Towers Watson provided compensation consulting services to other higher education institutions?

A list of higher education clients is provided here.

How was the market value data be collected?

The data has been collected through a variety of methods, including both the CUPA-HR and WTW surveys, interviews, and data analysis in partnership with WTW consultation.

  • Faculty positions are considered through a comparison of institutional characteristics of affiliation, size, Carnegie Classification, degree offering, student on-campus housing, NCAA membership, total enrollment, student-to-faculty ratio, expenses, endowment, Instructional and Total FTE, as well as variables like historical Peer institutions, aspirant academic programs, and Athletic conferences and Academic consortium. The review process will include tenure and promotion.
  • Many Staff positions are considered through a comparison with other similar positions included in the Willis Towers Watson national industry survey, which includes many area organizations, i.e., University of Alabama Birmingham, Red Cross, Tenet Health System, Community Health System, Coca Cola, Amazon, among other well-known organizations.
    • There are also some Staff positions that are unique to higher education. For those positions the university has elected to use the same Peer Group as the Faculty Peer Group.

What schools were determined to be in our peer institution set?

Our carefully selected peer group consists of 47 higher education institutions. 43 of these were unanimously selected by the Samford core team. Several additional institutions were then added to better compare the law and pharmacy schools.

A list of the new peer institution set can be found here.

Will my personal salary information be shared with others?

No, individual employee salary information will not be shared with others. The data collected  has been analyzed in aggregate form to identify trends and patterns across the institution.

Were employees able to provide feedback and suggestions during the salary study?

The input of employees was critical to the success of the study.   Employees were encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions during the salary study. This was accomplished directly through Human Resources or through representatives serving on the Business and Faculty Welfare Committee or the Staff Advisory Council.  Over 100 individuals worked on committees to provide input to the process.

Who should I contact if I have additional questions?

If you have any questions about the salary study, you are welcome to reach out to Julie Stewart at or by phone at (205) 726-2837; or to Colin Coyne by email at or by phone at (205) 726-4037.

WTW Clients in Higher Education

Here is a sample list of select institutions that WTW has provided compensation consulting services:

Boston University
Brown University
California Institute of Technology
Carnegie Mellon University
Case Western Reserve University
Columbia University of New York
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Duke University
Emory University
The George Washington University
Georgetown University
Harvard University
Johns Hopkins University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
New York University
Northwestern University
Princeton University
Stanford University
Syracuse University
Tufts University
Tulane University
University of Chicago
University of Colorado
University of Miami
University of Notre Dame
University of Pennsylvania
University of Rochester
University of San Francisco
University of Southern California
Vanderbilt University
Wake Forest University
Washington University in St. Louis
William Marsh Rice University
Yale University

Salary Study Update Archive

Salary Study Update



Thank you for your service to Samford University and for your daily contributions toward our mission to serve God by nurturing our students (and one another) in the development of intellect, creativity, faith and personhood.   One aspect of living our mission is promoting the financial well-being of our employees.  On behalf of Dr. Taylor and the ELT, I am pleased to share two important updates as we continue to realize this goal.


Effective September 1, 2024 all eligible full-time employees as of March 31, 2024 will receive a three percent (3.0%) increase in base salary.    This increase is independent from further adjustments that may result from the compensation study. You may recall we’ve also added two additional paid days off to our Christmas schedule, so plan your holiday accordingly!



As 2 Corinthians 8:14 instructs, “At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need.”   That’s why Samford embarked on the university’s first salary study in over ten years.  Our goal was to ascertain objectively the appropriate market salary for each employee position, both faculty and staff.  In concert with the nation’s leading compensation consulting firm and after 18 months of rigorous study and review, we have completed our study.  Beginning with this September’s annual compensation increases, we will begin implementing our findings.

As noted in prior updates, town halls, and during Dr. Taylor’s 2023 State of the University Address, our first objective is to ensure all employees are earning at least the market median for their position.  To be clear, we have employees who are above their market median (235, in fact) but we now have empirical data that reveal those who are below their median target. For those whose compensation lags market rates, we are embarking on a four-year implementation project to bring all employees into alignment. 

Based on results of our compensation study, achieving full implementation commits the university to an additional $5+ million annually.  This amount is in addition to the $3+ million already committed to the 3% increase I mentioned above and annual increase pools in the future.  Financial prudence and a desire to maintain sufficient raise pools for all employees dictate that we roll out adjustments at a rate of $1.25 million each year for four years.  In other words, we expect to implement all adjustments over four phases.  Some employees will receive adjustments sooner than others.

Implementation Priority and Funding Allocation

With an eye toward fairness, equity, and consistency, the University Council -- a 40-member, cross-divisional group of Samford leaders -- informed the implementation priority of these adjustments.  The Council’s collective recommendation to the ELT was these adjustments should be prioritized based on 1) absolute pay level with priority given to those employees at the lowest end of the pay spectrum; and, 2) relative distance from with median market salary for each position with priority going to those farthest from the market benchmark. In future years, it is likely that annual performance reviews also will weigh into adjustments. 

Based on the combination of absolute pay (rank relative to all other employees) and relative pay (% of median target), an index number was calculated for each employee to determine the order in which employees are prioritized.  To determine the final index score, absolute pay was given 70% of the weighting and relative pay 30%.  The calculation is agnostic to individuals, titles or departments and it allows employees to be treated equitably across all divisions.   In very general terms, our priorities by phase are illustrated below:

As the last step, we assigned our $1.25 million Phase I allocation from the lowest index score upward seeking to bring all employees to a minimum of 75% of their market benchmark using projected September 2024 data and regionalized where appropriate.  As noted below, we were able to exceed our Phase 1 goal.

Phase I Adjustments Summary 

Samford’s 2024 compensation study identified 712 employees currently paid below the market median for their position.   Of these, a total of 205 employees will receive Phase 1 adjustments with 47 faculty members and 158 staff benefiting in addition to the 3% increase effective September 1, 2024.  As of Phase 1 implementation in September, no employee will be below 79% of their market median.   While a substantial improvement over current practice, 79% is neither an acceptable nor missionally sustainable threshold but it is a meaningful start.  Assuming Samford’s continued good fortune, we look forward to implementing Phase 2 next year.  It’s possible or even likely that some individuals receiving a Phase I adjustments will receive additional adjustments in future years.

Phase I Roll Out

Over the next two weeks, Julie Stewart, Interim Director of Human Resources, is meeting with all vice presidents and other supervisors as directed by the division vice president.  At that time, she will be distributing personalized packets for each employee which in turn will be shared with you by leadership within your area.  We anticipate staff will receive packages soon after Julie’s meetings; based on varying 9- and 12-month appointments, some faculty may receive packages concurrent with your return to campus for the academic year.

Each package contains information regarding: your current base compensation; your 3% increase; your current pay as a percentage of the median market salary for your position; and, any Phase I adjustments that may apply to you.   Also included is important information regarding other compensation and benefits you receive as a Samford employee and a list of FAQs providing additional insights.

For those who fall below your market median but do not benefit from the first phase of implementation, please know that your salary will be addressed in future phases based on the priorities we’ve identified.  Over the next three years we will update regional and CUPA salary information annually, weigh absolute and relative salary levels, and begin to weigh performance measures in our index calculations. For now, every full-time employee hired prior to March 31,2024 will receive a compensation increase 50% higher than State of Alabama education employees will receive in October (3% vs. 2% as approved by the Alabama legislature in May 2024.)  Combined with last year’s 4% salary increase, Samford’s largest one-year increase in over 20 years, we continue to pursue our goal of making Samford a place where everyone’s contributions are recognized, respected, and rewarded.

In closing, I want to acknowledge finalizing our compensation study took longer than originally planned. While well-intended to assure accuracy and accommodate changing government regulations, this delay undoubtedly caused frustration and even anxiety.  At the end of the day we succeeded in meeting our original target for first adjustments in the 2024-2025 academic year; nonetheless our communication should have been better along the way.  For both the delay and for shortcomings in conveying timely information, I apologize to you.  We can and we will do better.

Over the next two weeks, please watch for additional updates.  Many good things are happening at Samford and we want you to be fully informed.  Some of those good things bring change or temporary disruption.  On those matters, we want you to be especially well informed.

We appreciate you!

Colin M. Coyne, Ed.D., M.M.
Vice President for Finance, Business Affairs and Strategy


Salary Study Update


Good Afternoon!

With our new academic year only four weeks away, I’d like to share an update on a few items important to you and our campus. Today’s update includes details regarding:

  • A one-time “thank you” appearing in your paycheck toward the end of August
  • The Fiscal 2024 pool for raises effective September 1
  • Two important studies related to employee well-being
  • Samford Innovation Fund awards for Fiscal 2023
  • Our new dining experience at the Caf and an update on the Campus Recreation, Wellness and Athletics facility

THANK YOU FOR A SUCCESSFUL 2023 ACADEMIC AND FISCAL YEAR: In my April 2023 update, I noted, “if we maintain a restrained posture through June, we may be able to provide a modest one-time, fixed-amount bonus payment to all employees.” I’m pleased to report that together we remained good stewards of Samford’s financial resources. As a result, Samford finished the 2023 fiscal year with a small but positive operating margin, one large enough to return a portion to our Samford employees. Thank you for putting us in a position to make this possible.

Current employees as of August 31, 2023 who were employed on June 30, 2023, will receive the following one-time payment* regardless of compensation level:

  • Full-time faculty and staff
    • employed from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023: $600
    • hired after July 1, 2022, but before December 31, 2022: $450
    • employed after January 1, 2023, but before June 30, 2023: $300
  • Regular part-time faculty and staff (including adjunct faculty) employed for more than 1,000 hours during the 2023 fiscal year or, if an adjunct instructor, who taught at least one 3-credit course in each of at least two semesters from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023: $300
  • Any part-time faculty or staff member (including adjunct faculty) employed for more than 250 hours but less than 1,000 hours during the 2023 fiscal year or, if an adjunct instructor, taught at least one 3-credit hour course during that time: $150

* Payments will be subject to withholding instructions previously provided to payroll.

FISCAL 2024 RAISE POOL: Raises for faculty and staff will be effective September 1, 2023, based on a total raise pool of 4.0%. Raises are assigned at the divisional level.

Longer-serving employees may note this year’s raise pool is the largest one-time adjustment in over 20 years. Our ability to offer a more robust pool is reflective of a few things: our commitment to improve employee well-being whenever possible; the outstanding student experience provided by faculty and staff that makes Samford the school of choice for so many; and, with kudos to our enrollment management team, an incoming freshman class larger – by a wide margin – than any in Samford’s history.

Even with strong momentum, we continue to face varied and increasing external challenges: demographic shifts; significant increases in our cost of doing business; changing student profiles and preferences; and a malleable political and legislative landscape. In other words, we cannot take our future, nor future raise pools, for granted. As we look to the years ahead, continued fiscal diligence, programmatic dexterity, and a deep desire to support one another will sustain the university and our ability to provide the best financial outcomes for all.

EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE SURVEY and COMPENSATION STUDY: Samford’s strategic plan, Fidelitas, highlights “Employee Elevation” as a university priority. In support of this, and as previously shared, last spring we undertook two significant human resource initiatives. To do so, we engaged independent third parties to assure objectivity and impartiality.

  • Employee Experience Survey. We received consolidated and department results last month, and the executive leadership team has heard our consulting partner’s first take. We are meeting at the beginning of August in a special session to consider the results and, importantly, how we might act on them. Thanks to all who participated in the study and, in particular, thank you for the diligence and candor applied to your feedback. This fall, we will share aggregated results with the University Council and more broadly during our first fall town hall. We then will meet at the division and/or department level to discuss group-specific feedback. I don’t mind sharing that we have areas for improvement, a few in fact. We conducted the survey so that we might learn how to improve, and we won’t shy from any challenges discovered as we earnestly seek to be among the best places to work nationally.
  • Compensation Study. Joel Windham has provided regular updates regarding our comprehensive compensation study. We are most appreciative of the committee directing our study as they represent a robust cross-section of campus. As previously communicated, our committee reached consensus with our consulting professionals in identifying an appropriate peer set and critical distinctions among employee groups. With those in hand, the summer months have been spent gathering peer data to form our comparisons. This fall, we will share this information with the University Council first and then at a series of forums open to all employees. We will take great care to explain the process employed; key decisions from the committee that directed the study; a full list of peer institutions; and, aggregate findings and sub-group findings. Our goal is to formulate a strategy for addressing findings by December 2023.

SAMFORD INNOVATION FUND AWARDS: Our first cohort of Samford Innovation Fund recipients has been named and funding of their work commenced on July 1. This year’s initiatives include:

  • A joint project between Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management to rejuvenate continuing education programs and offerings led by a new Office of Continuing Studies.
  • A pilot program led by Dr. Cam Pierce promoting a semester abroad to M.Acc. students by removing program fees as a barrier. One scholarship will be awarded to a non-Samford student to encourage enrollment from other institutions.
  • Construction of a physical space to promote innovation, creativity and collaboration. In dedicated, reservable spaced ripe for developing ideas, users will find work surfaces, furnishings and technology allowing individuals or groups to separate from campus while remaining in the heart of it.

Applications for our second round of SIF funding will begin in September, so look out for an announcement then. Based on feedback, this year we will hold workshops at the beginning of the submission process and provide exemplars to help inform potential applicants.


  • On August 14, a completely new dining and social experience will open at the University Center. In an all-you-can eat format featuring multiple cooking stations and enhanced food-service technologies, patrons will have 24/7 food access, multiple made-to-order options, and seating available to diners and non-diners alike. Bring a friend to eat or simply to talk; the choice will be yours. More details will be coming soon including discounted meal plans for employees and family members, prepared take-home options, and cooking demonstrations.
  • You may have noticed the new 1,500-foot fence along Montague Drive leading to Seibert Gym highlighting features of our new recreation, wellness and athletic complex. The first phase opened on the ground floor of the Beeson Center in April with a new and expanded home for the Samford Care Team and the relocation and upgrade of University Health Services. If you’ve not been to either, it’s worth stopping by.

Construction of Phase II is well underway with the demolition of interior spaces in Seibert Hall and the relocation of Seibert Stadium’s scoreboard. Earthwork for construction of a structure to double the footprint of Seibert Hall will begin shortly. It will take more than a year to complete Samford’s new recreation facility, but it will be worth the wait. Intended for the exclusive use of students and employees, patrons will experience an environment, programing and service levels normally associated with a first-class fitness club. Even then, we will go beyond with the inclusion of an e-sports suite open to all but also capable of hosting competitive tournaments; integrated nutrition counseling and physical therapy; meeting and event spaces; state-of-the-art security and access features; a full-service coffee shop, and, a 24-hour convenience market. Stay tuned for more.

TOWN HALLS: Over the last year, our come-as-you-are, low-key format for town halls provided a forum for honest conversation, shared concerns, and new ideas. I would appreciate the opportunity to continue these conversations, so I hope you will be able to make one of the dates below. We will send out reminders, and please feel free to attend either session:

  • STAFF TOWN HALL – Tuesday, September 19, 2023, from 8:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Location TBA)
  • FACULTY TOWN HALL – Tuesday, September 19, 2023, from 11:05 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. (Location TBA)
  • STAFF TOWN HALL – Tuesday, November 14, 2023, from 8:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Location TBA)
  • FACULTY TOWN HALL – Tuesday, November 14, 2023, from 11:05 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. (Location TBA)

As Romans 12:6 reminds us, “In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.” I am grateful to work among so many who apply the gift of your talents with dedication and love. As we look to the year ahead, we only need look to those beside us to know our future – Samford’s future – remains bright.

Thank you for all you do in seen and unseen, spoken and unspoken ways.

Colin M. Coyne, Ed.D., M.M.
Vice President for Finance, Business Affairs and Strategy


Salary Study Update


I am pleased to share an important update regarding the Samford salary study. Before I do, I did want to say a very special ‘thank you’ to so many of you who have made valuable contributions in shaping this significant initiative. Through your questions and support offered in town hall meetings, email correspondence, and especially to those ninety-nine (99) employees who have served their colleagues and university in that process. We know them as members of the Staff Advisory Council, Business and Faculty Welfare Committee, Faculty Senate Outgoing and Incoming Chairs, Salary Study Leadership Advisory Team, the University Council, the Salary Study Project Team, the Executive Leadership Team, Dr. Taylor, and to a large group of Samford employees who have shared their ideas and perspectives – ‘thank you!’.

FLSA Update

Last fall, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed changes to the exempt salary threshold rules for the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), suggesting an increase in the exempt salary threshold. The final rule, released in late April 2024, outlines two salary threshold adjustments within the next six months—specifically, on July 1, 2024, and January 1, 2025.

Samford University will respond to the two planned DOL exempt salary threshold changes individually. On July 1st, Samford will provide salary increases for a small group of employees, intending to align their annual salary with the new salary study implementation and the FLSA salary threshold.

Employees receiving the July 1st salary increase have already received an individual communication to inform them of the salary change. It is significant to note that Samford’s initial (July) FLSA response will result in no currently exempt employee being reclassified as non-exempt.

Salary Study Update

Utilizing specified criteria, among those are private/public, for-profit/not-for-profit, religious/not religious, university size, Carnegie Classification, on-campus housing, NCAA status, student-to-faculty ratio, expenses, endowment, enrollment, and FTE counts, Samford identified 47 Peer institutions. These 47 Peer institutions were used to benchmark Samford’s positions through third-party salary survey instruments (CUPA-HR and WTW).   Faculty position compensation was reviewed in light of CIP Codes and the Peer Group.  Staff position compensation was reviewed using a tiered weighting formula that includes the Peer Group, the CUPA-HR survey, and the WTW industry survey, (with many Birmingham area business participants like UAB, Tenet Health, Community Health System, Coca Cola, and Regions Bank).

In February, Human Resources undertook an update of the salary study to incorporate the most recent market salary data. The decision to include this in the project scope was based on our strategic goal of providing a rewarding employee work experience and our principal objective to ensure that the classification and compensation system is accurate, equitable, and market sensitive.  An objective intended to help Samford retain, attract, and appropriately compensate the best and brightest faculty and staff. As a result, the salary study information communicated with employees in the next few weeks will be current as of September 1, 2024.

As part of the larger Samford plan to achieve implementation of this objective, Samford has allocated substantial financial resources over the next four years to address market differences through a phased approach. We are on course to begin the implementation of Phase I in September 2024.  Individual employee meetings with ALL employees will begin soon.

A project highlight communication is planned for all employees prior to the commencement of individual manager and employee meetings.

Thank you for your patience, and your continued dedication and contributions to Samford’s success. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to reach out.

Best regards,

Joel R. Windham, MSHA

Assistant Vice President

Human Resources


Salary Study Update


The following information is provided as an update on the university-wide salary study implementation. Despite recent developments, we remain steadfast in our commitment to our implementation plan for the salary study.

Recent Developments:

  1. DOL Proposed Rule Change for Overtime: The Department of Labor (DOL) has proposed a rule change related to overtime regulations. We are actively assessing its implications and ensuring compliance.
  2. 2024 Salary Survey Information from CUPA: The College and University Professional Association (CUPA) released the 2024 salary survey data at the end of February. This current information has been used to update our salary study and help inform our decisions.

Implementation Timeline:

  1. March:
    • Leadership Review: Meet with University, Division, and School leadership to review information in the salary study.
  2. April/May:
    • Leadership Training: Begin training leadership for individual employee meetings. These meetings are planned to begin with 9-month faculty members and individuals participating in study abroad programs during the spring/summer.
  3. June-August:
    • Individual Employee Meetings: Meet with each employee. These sessions will provide an opportunity for personalized discussions regarding salary adjustments, career growth, and any other relevant topics.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we navigate these developments. Our goal remains to ensure fair compensation for all employees and maintain a supportive work environment.

Should you have any questions about the salary study, please feel free to reach out to me via email at or by phone at (205) 726-2837. Alternatively, you can contact Colin Coyne at or (205) 726-4037.

Best regards,

Joel R. Windham, MSHA

Assistant Vice President

Human Resources


Salary Study Update


Recognizing the significance of the information at hand and ensuring it receives the attention it deserves; I am excited to provide an end-of-semester update on the progress of the salary study.

As we approach the conclusion of the salary study and prepare to formulate a response plan based on the output data, it is crucial to reflect on the study's foundational origins.

The beginning of the salary study involved the active participation and input of nearly 100 faculty and staff members serving as members of the Staff Advisory Council, Business and Faculty Welfare Committee, Faculty Senate Outgoing and Incoming Chairs, Salary Study Leadership Advisory Team, the University Council, the Salary Study Project Team, and the Executive Leadership Team. Additionally, feedback was received from Samford employees through open email communication and Town Hall meetings. This inclusive approach was employed to both begin and to guide the project, ensuring the inclusion of diverse perspectives, needs, and concerns from our staff and faculty.

This direction culminated in the assemblage of Samford's forty-seven (47) institution Peer Group based on shared characteristics such as affiliation, size, Carnegie Classification, degree offerings, on-campus housing, NCAA membership, total enrollment, student-to-faculty ratio, expenses, endowment, Instructional and Total FTEs, as well as variables like historical Peer institutions, aspirant academic programs, and Athletic conferences and Academic consortium.

  • The majority of Samford’s Peer institutions, thirty-nine (39) in total, share all twelve (12) characteristics.
  • The following share eleven (11) out of twelve (12) characteristics:
    • Five (5) institutions were added to improve data coverage for Cumberland School of Law and McWhorter School of Pharmacy.
    • Two (2) institutions were added to enhance data coverage with the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities.
    • One (1) institution was added to improve data coverage for the School of the Arts Architectural program.

Guided by a videoconference report from Willis Towers Watson (WTW) Consultants, the University Council participated in an exercise designed to create a study response prioritization methodology. Their efforts will continue into their meeting in December. Early in the coming new year we intend to reconvene the original 100 faculty and staff representatives to solicit their feedback and input on the proposed implementation plan. During the spring semester, we will schedule Town Hall-type meetings for all employees.

In concert with these efforts, Human Resources has established a dedicated Salary Study page on Samford's website. This page serves as a 24/7 centralized resource for information, frequently asked questions, and an overview of the salary study project's progress.

Finally, I want to take this opportunity to express my personal gratitude for the valuable contributions of those who have dedicated their time to the salary study. We acknowledge the attention and commitment this endeavor has demanded, and for that, I extend my heartfelt thanks.

Should you have any questions about the salary study, please feel free to reach out to me via email at or by phone at (205) 726-2837. Alternatively, you can contact Colin Coyne at or (205) 726-4037.

May joy, peace, and love abound for you and your family this sacred season.

Joel R. Windham, MSHA
Assistant Vice President


Salary Study Update


Having established a transparent review process designed to be open to receiving the input and feedback of several representative voices and having dedicated purposeful time to review and thoughtfully consider that input and feedback, we are pleased to announce that Samford has identified its Peer Group of colleges and universities. Please join me in expressing a special ‘thank you’ to those ninety-nine (99) employees who have served their colleagues and university in that process. They serve as members of the Staff Advisory Council, Business and Faculty Welfare Committee, Faculty Senate Outgoing and Incoming Chairs, Salary Study Leadership Advisory Team, the University Council, the Salary Study Project Team, and the Executive Leadership Team.

A Peer Group is used for benchmarking purposes and for comparison with other institutions. It is a group of colleges and universities that Samford University considers its peers in terms of size, mission, and academic quality. The process to identify Samford’s custom higher education Peer Group institutions relied on most recent data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) of 6,400 colleges and universities. Twelve (12) primary considerations of identifying its Peers included:

  1. Institutional control or affiliation
    1. Private not-for-profit (no religious affiliation)
    2. Private not-for-profit (religious affiliation)
  2. Institution size category
    1. 1,000 - 4,999
    2. 5,000 - 9,999
    3. 10,000 - 19,999
  3. Carnegie Classification: Basic
    1. Doctoral/Professional Universities
    2. Master's Colleges & Universities: Larger Programs
    3. Master's Colleges & Universities: Medium Programs
    4. Master's Colleges & Universities: Small Programs
    5. R1 and R2 research institutions were NOT included
  4. Institution provides on-campus housing
  5. Member of NCAA
  6. Total Enrollment
    1. 0.5 to 2X Samford’s Total Enrollment
  7. Student-to-faculty ratio
    1. 0.5 to 2X Samford’s Student-to-faculty ratio
  8. Total expenses
    1. 0.5 to 2X Samford’s Total Expenses
  9. Value of endowment assets at the end of the fiscal year
    1. 0.5 to 2X Samford’s Value of Endowment Assets
  10. Instruction expenses per FTE (FASB)
    1. 0.5 to 2X Samford’s Value of Instruction Expenses per FTE (FASB)
  11. Instructional FTE
    1. 0.5 to 2X Samford’s Value of Instructional FTE
  12. Total FTE staff
    1. 0.5 to 2X Total FTE Staff

Thirty-nine (39) colleges and universities met all twelve primary criteria. To improve data coverage for Samford’s Cumberland School of Law and McWhorter School of Pharmacy, Willis Towers Watson (WTW) consultants suggested Samford consider including five (5) additional institutions who met 11 of the 12 primary variables. Through Samford’s internal input and feedback process by those ninety-nine (99) colleagues previously mentioned, an additional two (2) institutions, who also met 11 of the 12 primary variables, were recommended and included. In all, Samford has identified forty-six (46) Peer institutions for our custom Peer Group (a pdf of the 46 institutions is attached).

Faculty position compensation will be reviewed in light of the Peer Group. Staff position compensation will be reviewed using a tiered weighting formula that includes the Peer Group and the WTW industry survey, (with many Birmingham area business participants like Amazon, UAB, Tenet Health, Community Health System, Coca Cola, and Regions Bank).

With the identification of Samford’s Peer Group complete, the Project Team, under the leadership of our consulting partners, WTW, will now move forward to begin the work of reviewing compensation considerations.

If you have any questions about the salary study you are welcome to reach out to me by email at or by phone at (205) 726-2837; or to Colin Coyne by email at or by phone at (205) 726-4037.

Joel R. Windham, MSHA

Assistant Vice President

Human Resources


Salary Study Update


For our 9-month Faculty this may be the last opportunity for you to receive an update of the salary study’s progress. Due to its importance and so that it is not missed by placing it lower in this update – Human Resources has developed a Salary Study page in the Human Resources section of Samford’s website. This Page is intended to provide a 24/7, centralized resource of communications, frequently asked questions, and of the overall progress of the salary study project. The page will be published and available for your review later today.

I wanted to take this opportunity to express the Project Team’s gratitude for the valuable contributions of Toner Evans of Samford’s Office of Institutional Research and Analytics, the Leadership Advisory Team, the Business and Faculty Welfare Committee, the Staff Advisory Council, outgoing Faculty Senate Chair Professor Scott McGinnis, and incoming Faculty Senate Chair Professor Angela “Dee” Thompson for their participation in Thursday’s Peer Group selection discussions. We know this is a very busy time of year and yesterday was a very busy day – thank you for your participation. Your feedback and insights around our Peer Group selection and specifically our institutional characteristics of affiliation, size, Carnegie Classification, degree offering, student on-campus housing, NCAA membership, total enrollment, student-to-faculty ratio, expenses, endowment, Instructional and Total FTEs, as well as variables like historical Peer institutions, aspirant academic programs, and Athletic conferences and Academic consortium will serve to shape the direction of this project and provide for the integration of the unique perspectives, needs, and concerns of our staff and faculty.

The Project Team, with guidance from the Willis Towers Watson (WTW) Consultants, will use their feedback to develop a Draft of Samford’s Peer Group, which will be presented for review by these same representatives. Thereafter the list will be provided to the Executive Leadership Team as a recommendation for Samford’s Peer Group.

The Project Team will meet with the Willis Towers Watson Consultants this morning to advance the Peer Group aspect of the salary study.

If you have any questions about the salary study you are welcome to reach out to me by email at or by phone at (205) 726-2837; or to Colin Coyne by email at or by phone at (205) 726-4037.

Joel R. Windham, MSHA
Assistant Vice President


Salary Study Update


I am pleased to report that the Samford Salary Study Project Team and Willis Towers Watson (WTW) Consulting Team had a great round of meetings this week. The salary study project remains on schedule.

With respect to the salary study, the Project Team met twice this week to discuss Peer Groups and the methodology to develop a customized Peer Group for Samford. Consideration is being given to institutional characteristics of affiliation, size, Carnegie Classification, degree offering, student on-campus housing, NCAA membership, total enrollment, student-to-faculty ratio, expenses, endowment, Instructional and Total FTE, as well as variables like historical Peer institutions, aspirant academic programs, and Athletic conferences and Academic consortium. With respect to staff positions, consideration will include area industry. Discussion in both meetings was enlightening and beneficial with valuable insight from Academic Affairs and the Office of Institutional Research & Analytics.

Next week, in addition to meeting with WTW, the Project Team will be meeting with the Leadership Advisory Team, the Staff Advisory Council, and the Business and Faculty Welfare Committee.

Aside from the ongoing salary study meetings a separate project “kick-off” meeting was held with the WTW Consultants who will be leading the Benefits study.

If you have any questions about the salary study you are welcome to reach out to me by email at or by phone at (205) 726-2837; or to Colin Coyne by email at or by phone at (205) 726-4037.

Joel R. Windham, MSHA
Assistant Vice President

Salary Study Update


Yesterday morning, Samford’s Executive Leadership Team met with the Willis Towers Watson (WTW) Consultants. The Project Team and WTW Consultants are moving forward to engage with those employees serving on Advisory Teams comprised of the Business and Faculty Welfare Committee and the Staff Advisory Council, as well as the Leadership Advisory Team comprised of a cross-section of campus-wide leaders.


  • Samford’s data submission is currently under review by the WTW Consulting Team.
  • The Project Team has begun its routine project/work schedule.

If you have any questions about the salary study you are welcome to reach out to me by email at or by phone at (205) 726-2837; or to Colin Coyne by email at or by phone at (205) 726-4037.

Joel R. Windham, MSHA
Assistant Vice President

Salary Study Update


Samford’s Human Resources has submitted the faculty and staff data requested by our Willis Towers Watson (WTW) consultants. The data request involved job titles, job codes, compensation amounts, primary work activity, disciplines, academic departments, hire dates, etc. The submitted data is currently under review by the WTW Consulting Team.

Samford’s Salary Study Project Team, comprised of representatives from Human Resources, Accounting, Budget & Financial Planning, Academic Affairs, Athletics, and Institutional Research & Analytics, met earlier this week with the WTW Consulting Team. WTW led the team through a discussion of the project’s timeline and scope of work.

Upcoming meetings with the Advisory Teams, comprised of the Business and Faculty Welfare Committee and the Staff Advisory Council, as well as the Leadership Advisory Team are being planned with Spring semester significant dates in mind.

If you have any questions about the salary study you are welcome to reach out to me by email at or by phone at (205) 726-2837; or to Colin Coyne by email at or by phone at (205) 726-4037.

Joel R. Windham, MSHA
Assistant Vice President

Samford Salary Study - Update


I am happy to announce that Samford’s Salary Study is underway.

As you may have heard Samford felt compelled to make a change in the project’s consultant relationship due to a combination of the consultants missing communication milestones, changing the agreed upon timeline, as well as sending an invoice to increase the cost of the study without credible justification. Samford has engaged Willis Towers Watson (WTW), who may be a familiar name to many of those in the School of Business and College of Health Sciences, and possibly to some in other areas.

  • WTW is a global organization with colleagues serving in 140 countries and markets, committed to helping organizations build and deliver total rewards programs that bring the highest possible value to employees and the university.
  • Within higher education WTW has worked with Carnegie Mellon University, Cornell University, Emory University, Georgetown University, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northwestern University, Princeton University, University of Notre Dame, Vanderbilt University, and Wake Forest University, among several other universities.
  • The Salary Study timeline was unaffected by this change and is projected for completion prior to the beginning of the Fall semester.
  • University-wide, employee representation will be achieved through standing committees and project specific committees.
  • HR will provide periodic university-wide communications to keep everyone informed of the project’s progress.

If you have any questions about the salary study you are welcome to reach out to me by email at or by phone at (205) 726-2837; or to Colin Coyne by email at or by phone at (205) 726-4037.

Joel R. Windham, MSHA
Assistant Vice President