With the return of in-person Homecoming Weekend coming up on Nov. 5-6, the Samford University Alumni Association is looking forward to celebrating the 2020 and 2021 milestone reunion years. The classes of 2010 and 2011 will be recognized at their 10-year reunions and the classes of 1995 and 1996 will be honored at their 25-year reunions at the Reunion Breakfast on Saturday from 8:30-10 a.m.
This casual, come-and-go, family-friendly event will be held in Harry’s Coffeehouse in the newly renovated University Center and is free to attend. Registration is required and can be found on the homecoming website. After the Reunion Breakfast, we hope reunion attendees and their families will attend the Samford University Worship Service at 10:15 a.m. in Hodges Chapel as well as game day tailgating at 11 a.m. If alumni haven’t been to campus for a football Saturday in a while, the tailgating atmosphere may be a fun surprise. Tents cover the quad from chapel to chapel as sororities, fraternities, schools, departments, campus organizations like SGA and Residence Life, parents and fans all enjoy the pre-game festivities.
Alumni celebrating reunion years are especially encouraged to enjoy all that Samford game day has to offer by participating in the Samford University Alumni Association Tailgate, which will be located right outside of Hodges Chapel. The first 200 attendees to arrive at the tailgate will receive a BBQ lunch catered by Jim N Nick’s.
The classes of 1970 and 1971 will be enjoying their 50-year reunions by being honored at the Golden Bulldog Brunch to be held at the Rotunda Club, Samford’s private dining experience located in the Alumni Center on campus. The brunch will be held from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and is for all alumni who graduated from Samford University or Howard College 50 or more years ago.
In addition, there are many other special groups celebrating Homecoming Weekend together. There is a Samford Football Championship Breakfast for those associated with the 1971 National Championship-winning football team. The Samford Black Alumni Association will be hosting their traditional fall event with a tailgate beginning at 11 a.m. Many other tailgates will be hosted by various groups, organizations and associations that alumni are welcome to visit.
For a complete listing of tailgates and to learn if your favorite campus organization will have a spot on the Quad, visit the homecoming website to view the complete schedule.