Samford University's Beeson Divinity School will host the 2014 Southeast Region meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society March 21-22. The theme is "Theological Interpretation of Scripture" featuring Daniel Treier, professor of theology at Wheaton (Ill.) College, as plenary speaker.
Founded in 1949, the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) is a group of scholars, teachers, pastors, students and others "dedicated to the oral exchange and written expression of theological thought and research." The organization publishes an academic journal and hosts national and regional meetings in the U.S.
Treier has taught at Wheaton since 2001 and earned his doctorate in systematic theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. His scholarship focuses on evangelical systematic theology and theological interpretation of the Bible, specifically on Christology and cultural engagement. His most recent book is Proverbs and Ecclesiastes in the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible series. He is co-editor or associate editor of eight books, including the award-winning Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible.
Other conference speakers include Peter Gentry, professor of Old Testament interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky., "The Literary Coherence/Incoherence of the Book of Isaiah;" Paul R. House, professor of divinity, Beeson Divinity School, and 2012 ETS president, "A Long Conversation with God: Abraham, Moses and Friendship with God; C. Ben Mitchell, Graves Chair of Moral Philosophy, Union University, Jackson, Tenn. "Friendship: Classical and Contemporary Philosophical Views;" and Gregory Alan Thornbury, president, The King's College, New York, N.Y., "Boomers and Stickers: A Theology of Friendship."
David Hogg, meeting chair and associate dean of academic affairs, said the meeting "also is an opportunity for Beeson to connect and interact with faculty and doctoral students from many different schools scattered throughout the southeast United States."
Registration is available online or in person between 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Friday, March 21.