To ring in the Christmas season, Samford's Legacy League Auxiliary presents its Christmas Home Tour on Thursday, Dec. 6.
Three homes will be featured in the event's second year, including the home of Samford President Andy and Jeanna Westmoreland.
Tickets cost $20 and include refreshments.
Each home will display the homeowner's unique decorating style, mixing antique furnishing with modern décor and of course, adding the right touches of Christmas charm.
A complimentary shuttle service will be provided to the homes of Beth and George Simpson and Dolly and Jim Walker. The shuttle will leave from Shades Valley Presbyterian Church every 15 minutes. Because of limited parking at these homes, members of the Legacy League encourage visitors to take advantage of the service.
The shuttle will not stop at the Westmorelands' home, but visitors will find plenty of parking there.
Visitors can tour the homes in any order. Homes will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and again from 4 to 8 p.m. on Thursday.
Proceeds from the event will go toward the Samford Legacy Scholarship.
For more information, do not hesitate to call 205-726-2247 or email Sharon Smith at ssmith@samford.edu. Tickets can be purchased at the homes or online at http://www.samford.edu/legacyleague/calendar.aspx?id=21474850640.