Samford’s Student Dietetic Association and the Restoring Eden student organization will present a free public screening of the award-winning Eating Alabama documentary Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2012, 4-5:30 p.m. in the university’s Christenbery Planetarium.
Drew Robinson, Executive Chef of the Jim 'N Nick's restaurants will lead a discussion following the film. He will discuss local food, its importance, and his role in the Birmingham food industry.
Eating Alabama documents the story of a young couple who return to their home state in search of a simpler life. Here, they set out to eat the way their grandparents did--locally and seasonally. As they navigate the agricultural-industrial complex, they soon realize that nearly everything about the food system has changed since farmers once populated their family histories. A thoughtful and often funny essay on community, the South and sustainability, Eating Alabama is a story about why food matters.