Five Samford students—representing Howard College of Arts and Sciences, School of Public Health and School of Health Professions—earned top research honors at the virtual annual meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science March 18-19. The organization honored the individual student presenters, but in many cases the projects represented the work of multiple Samford students and faculty.
Junior marine science major Kathryn Jones earned the Outstanding Undergraduate honor in the biological sciences poster category for “An Analysis of Fecundity Age and Length Relationship for Black Crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) at Lake Purdy, Birmingham, Alabama,” representing work by Jones, senior biology major Kaitlynn Wade, junior marine science major Jacqueline Hintz and professor Anthony Overton.
Senior biology major Megan Elliott earned First Place in the undergraduate biological sciences poster category for “Intraindividual Sequence Variation in pre-rRNA cistrons of the Ectoparasitic plant Cuscuta,” representing work by Elliott and professor David A. Johnson.
Senior biology major Evan Wigley earned First Place in the undergraduate environmental and earth science poster category for “Solenopsis invicta Affects the Distribution of Carrion Beetles in a Large Urban Park,” representing work by Wigley, senior environmental science major Kyle Waldrop, Jonathan Reaves and professor Grant Gentry.
Junior healthcare administration major Ethan Haydel earned Second Place in the social sciences paper category for “An Examination of Punctuating Events and the Future of Nursing: Policies, Pandemics, and Beyond,” representing work by Haydel and professor Courtney Haun.
Junior health sciences major Ivy Wilson earned Second Place in the health sciences paper category for “Exercise and the Other Guys; The Secret to a More Efficient Health Care System.”
Founded in 1924, the Alabama Academy of Sciences seeks to promote science, cooperate with science groups, support young scientists, provide scholarships and fellowships, and provide reliable scientific information through the exchange of information at the annual meeting and the publication of papers and abstracts. Samford is a longtime participant in AAS activities, and strongly encourages undergraduate research and faculty mentoring and collaboration across all academic divisions.