Alabama is rich in forest, water and other critical natural resources. In fact, Alabama is home to the most species diversity of any state east of the Mississippi River. There are 64 types of terrestrial ecosystems with 132,000 miles of rivers and streams supporting this biodiversity. Simultaneously, these natural resources are the basis for multibillion dollar industries including fisheries, steel and timber. These resources underlie Alabama’s tourism ranging from beaches and lakes to bird watching to rock climbing.

However, balancing natural resources with community needs for economic development, jobs, housing and revenue requires the implementation of policies that can meet these challenges. Leaders in both the public and private sectors need the skills to find commonalities and innovations to manage these competing interests.

Cumberland School of Law’s Land Use and Natural Resources Center addresses important policy issues related to these resources. Through the center, Cumberland faculty and students address critical environmental issues from water quality to land development to the forest industry and urban sprawl.


Symposia and Speaker Events

Iceland Environmental Study Abroad Program

Pipeline Programs and Joint Degrees

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