Cumberland Lawyer Spring 2021 Alumni
Learn more about Cumberland Lawyer Spring 2021 Alumni.
From the Office of Alumni Relations
We aren’t usually considered mainstream artists, yet attorneys must be creative to be successful. Most attorneys are talented artists simply in their legal representation. In fact, we draft persuasive briefs, create and verbally articulate our clients’ stories for juries to understand, and pen contracts detailing agreements and obligations. This is art! In this issue, we highlight just a handful of alumni who not only are excellent lawyers, but talented artists in other areas. There are many more.

Attorneys such as Judge Laura Lundy Wheale ’13, Elizabeth Bowles '04, Cline Thompson ’13 and Maurine Evans ’12, to name a few, are talented stage/theatre actors (past or present). They literally developed their stage presence into formidable courtroom presence. Some successful Cumberland lawyers are talented musicians and/or singers, such as Claude Rhea ’80, Robert Dawson ’71, Matthew Hoyle ’16, Josh Wise ’16, John Strohm ’04 and Abba Bains Harris ’13. Janay “J Smiles” Smith ’07 shows us that even some (probably not many) can be successful comedians! It seems to me, that because of the high number of lawyers who are also musically gifted, there must be a genetic link between music and advocacy skills. Other alumni make unique jewelry, crochet, knit and paint beautiful works on canvas. Next time you visit Robinson Hall, stop by the Florida Room on the second floor and notice the beautiful large painting by Linda Perry Ledet ’82. It is named A Prayer for Peace and was dedicated by Linda in memory of those who have passed from the class of 1982. It is gorgeous. You can see a small view of it on the right.
As you know, the legal profession can be stressful. Use your artistic talent, whatever it may be, to alleviate some pressure this year. Share pictures or information about your artistry with us, your Cumberland community, by sending to me via email. Your art may inspire us all.
Anne L. Marovich, J.D.
Director of Alumni Relations
Update Us
Have you moved? Changed jobs or addresses? Received an award or honor? Allow us to include your good news in our publications to fellow alumni. Use it for professional marketing and publicity, too! Your good work and service deserves to be recognized, and your law school friends want to know as well. Our Cumberland School of Law community is strong and is a valuable resource for you. Please help us stay connected by updating your information and sending us your news!
Do You Host a Podcast?
Another way to market yourself, your firm, your area of expertise: Do you or a fellow alumnus host and publish a podcast? Not a blog or firm blog, but your/his/her own (or with one partner) podcast. Email information about your area of expertise and details about your podcast to Anne Marovich, director of alumni relations, for publication at the end of 2021.