A Message from the Director

At Beeson, our Student Services' mission is to help students develop holistically throughout their time here. We aim to support personal and professional growth, be a resource during challenging times and guide students in accessing available services.
In support of the Student Government Association (SGA), we will work together to create opportunities for social interaction and community building and address student concerns. In addition, as a university-based divinity school, we offer various opportunities for involvement in athletic events, musical/drama presentations, lectures and recreational activities.
We are here to support you, so please let us know how we may help.
Counseling Services
Students may find it beneficial to meet with a counselor at some point during their time at seminary to discuss challenging issues, get support for managing stress or work through past experiences. When needing counseling, Beeson students should schedule a meeting with Dr. Sterling to discuss available counseling resources that can address their specific needs. To arrange an appointment with Dr. Sterling, please email him at rdsterli@samford.edu or call 205-726-2962.
Faculty-led Mentoring Groups
All full-time students must participate in faculty-led mentoring groups that meet weekly throughout the semester. Established and maintained by Student Services, these groups are designed to foster encouragement, provide a safe space for personal and spiritual growth and help students build long-term friendships while doing life together. The Beeson Divinity School Student Handbook provides more information about mentoring groups and attendance policies.
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association represents and promotes student interests in the decision-making process at Beeson Divinity School. All registered students at Beeson are members of the SGA and may vote for the following officers annually: President, Vice President, Secretary, Chaplain, and Social Chair. These officers sponsor various activities such as intramurals, luncheons with professors, and other social events for the student body.
2024-2025 SGA Officers
President: Mason CampbellVice President: Noah McCallum
Secretary: Olivia Walker
Chaplain: Josh Warren
Social Chair: Salvador Blanco-Perello
Minority Student Fellowship
The Minority Student Fellowship is committed to cultivating a space of support and encouragement for ethnic minority students as they matriculate at Beeson Divinity School. The fellowship will sponsor events and host conversations exclusive to ethnic minority students and the entire Beeson community, advocate for ethnic minority students and seek to maintain a hospitable and nurturing environment for ethnic minority students at Beeson.
2024-2025 Minority Student Fellowship Officers
President: Patrick Key Vice President: Kaye JonesSecretary: Kaye Jones
A limited number of lockers are available in the Beeson Student Commons. Request a locker at the link below.
Student Emergency Fund
The Student Emergency Fund is available to assist full-time students in unusual and critical financial circumstances that threaten their continuation at Beeson Divinity School. You may read about the SEF in your student handbook. For more information, please get in touch with Dr. Sterling at rdsterli@samford.edu or 205-726-2962.