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In addition to our weekly podcast, Beeson now offers a podcast featuring sermon audio from our chapel services on Apple Podcasts! You can also copy the RSS feed here.

Photo facing an uncertain future
From the Archives: Facing an Uncertain Future
This week's historic episode of the Beeson podcast features Timothy George and Robert Smith Jr. discussing E.K. Bailey's sermon, "Facing an Uncertain Future." 
Photo victory in the valley
From the Archives: Victory in the Valley
This week's historic Beeson podcast episode features Timothy George and Robert Smith Jr. discussing C. M. Ward's sermon, "Victory in the Valley." The full sermon follows their discussion. 
Photo are we following the real Jesus
From the Archives: Are We Following the Real Jesus?
This week's look at an older episode of the podcast features Timothy George and Robert Smith Jr. discussing David Platt's sermon on Luke 9: 57-62, preached at the Convergence Conference of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina in 2010. The full sermon follows their comments. 
Photo preaching truth in an age of idolatry
From the Archives: Preaching Truth in an Age of Idolatry
This week's "From the Archives" episode features Timothy George and Robert Smith Jr. discussing Barry Black's sermon on Daniel 5. The sermon follows their discussion. 
Photo irreconcilable differences and inescapable realities
From the Archives: Irreconcilable Differences and Inescapable Realities
In this week's episode, we revisit a previous episode of the Beeson podcast featuring Timothy George and Robert Smith Jr. discussing Smith's sermon on Jeremiah 1. The sermon follows their discussion.