Join us for this year's Conger Preaching Lectures featuring Vaughan Roberts, rector of St. Ebbe's, Oxford. Roberts will preach in chapel at 11 a.m. on March 25, and deliver lectures at 11 a.m. in N101 on March 26 and 27!

About the Biblical Preaching Lectures

Past guests include Jeremy Treat, Jared Alcantara, David Bebbington, James Earl Massey, William Willimon, Bryan Chapell, Richard Bewes and John Piper. Second in a series of three lectureships, the William E. Conger Lectures on Biblical Preaching are made possible through the generosity of the late Colonel William E. Conger, Jr. After a distinguished military career, Colonel Conger served for many years as a close personal advisor to Ralph Waldo Beeson, the founding benefactor of Beeson Divinity School. Colonel Conger long shared Mr. Beeson's deep commitment to the pastoral ministry of preaching. In 1991, that commitment was expressed through the endowment of a lectureship to recapture the vision of preaching ministry, furthering the cause of Christ in today's world. Preaching is the central task of Christian ministry and mission. In the Conger lectures, we affirm our commitment to this biblical reformation mandate. These lectures are presented in the fervent prayer and hope that they shall enlighten the preacher's skill, but above all, stir the preacher's soul, so God Himself may shine "in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ" (1 Corinthians 4:6).