Aaron Brakke
Samford University
Assistant Professor
School of the Arts
Department of Architecture and Interior Design
330a Swearingen Hall
Aaron Brakke, Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture & Interior Design, earned a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design, a Bachelor of Architecture and a Master of Architecture II from Ball State University. He worked for several architectural firms in New York including Joseph Giovannini Associates and at Archi-tectonics. He is a licensed architect in Colombia and is the founder and director of Whiteknee, a design and architecture studio based in Bogota. Prior to Samford, he held positions at the University of Illinois and Universidad Piloto de Colombia. He founded labs at each of these institutions and led multidisciplinary teams. Professor Brakke’s research agenda is focused on the collective construction of imaginaries, participatory design, and co-creation of the built environment. This work has leveraged the capacities of computational tools to visualize, communicate, design, and fabricate prototypes. The primary sites of his design research are in Latin American zones where there are high levels of social and spatial tension. Professor Brakke has received design awards for this work and has received international recognition through publications and through participation in exhibitions in Europe and the Americas.