Home State
Undergraduate Institution and Graduation Year
University of West Florida, 2023
Student Organizations/Extracurricular Activities
Christian Legal Society, Federalist Society, 1L SBA Representative, Alabama Student Bar Association, Parham H. Williams 1L Trial Competition.
Legal Interests
Civil Litigation, Constitutional Law, and Politics
Outside Interests/Hobbies
I am an avid outdoorsman and love to hunt deer, turkeys, and ducks. I also love to cook, watch College Football, follow politics, and study theology.
What do you think is the BEST thing about Cumberland?
The best thing about Cumberland is the culture of healthy competition, hard work, and great people. Everyone at Cumberland, whether professors, faculty, or fellow students, wants you to succeed and will help in any way they can to help you do so.
Why did you choose Cumberland?
I chose Cumberland because of its reputation of excellent culture and the incredible Trial Advocacy program. I also wanted to stay in the greatest state of our country.
What do you most enjoy about studying law in Birmingham? What do you like to do in Birmingham?
Being in law school in Birmingham is an incredible blessing. Birmingham can accurately be described as a "legal hub" with a broad spectrum of attorneys who practice a wide variety of law. There are so many directions you can go in the legal world, and Birmingham provides opportunities for them all.
If you could give any advice to your pre-law school self, what would you say?
The most important thing about Law School is the ability to put down the books and live a normal life outside of school. School- life balance will lead to much more success and higher grades than all your nights spent in the library. Also, Law school is hard. Embrace the hard parts and you will look back on them with a lot of joy after your first year.
What do you plan to do after graduation?
I plan on practicing in civil litigation in some capacity.